Hong Kong Committee in Norway
We aim AT solidarity work for the fight for basic human rights in Hong Kong.
Hvem er vi
Hongkongkomiteen i Norge ble stiftet den 30. august 2019. Vi er en selvstendig og partipolitisk uavhengig frivillig organisasjon. Vi driver solidaritetsarbeid for kampen for grunnleggende menneskerettigheter i Hongkong. Les våre vedtekter her.
Organisajonsnummer: 923 302 611
Hongkongkomiteen i Norge er et stiftende medlem i The European Hong Kong Diaspora Alliance.
Who we are
Founded on 30th August, 2019, Hongkongkomiteen i Norge (Hong Kong Committee in Norway) is an independent non-governmental organisation, without affiliation to any political party, aiming at solidarity work for the fight for basic human rights in Hong Kong. Our statutes can be accessed here.
Organisation number: 923 302 611
Hong Kong Committee in Norway is a founding member of The European Hong Kong Diaspora Alliance.