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Lunar New Year Dinner at 🥟 Yum Cha & ㊗ Fai Chun Writing

  • Yum Cha 24B Ole Vigs gate Oslo, Oslo, 0366 Norway (map)

To celebrate the year of the dragon, we will arrange a social dinner at Yum Cha Restaurant in Oslo.

Dinner starts at 6 pm. Fai Chun writing and mingling before the dinner from 5 pm.

The event is open to all. Feel free to invite your friends and family! However, registration is required because we have to reserve the tables and food in advance. Please register latest on 3rd February so that we can inform the restaurant about the number of guests and any food preferences. Registration and food arrangement via this Google Form: Registration

Facebook event

10 February

Annual general meeting 2024

4 June

Documentary screening SHE'S IN JAIL 《幸彤在監獄》